Wednesday, January 11, 2012

In Summary, or Lately

These are a few ideas that summarize some of the things I have been learning lately:

My choices matter. If I want to do good and follow God, He will enable me to do so.  

God will not force me to be helped. I must first choose to be helped - I must strive to do what He asks. He has taught me the things I can do to access His help (prayer, service, attending church, reading His word, heeding the Holy Spirit's guidance). When I choose to do these simple things, I put myself spiritually in places where I can receive His help.

My family is incredible. They love me, laugh with me, and listen to me.  

My friends are wonderful. They're all so different, but they are awesome. They're all supportive and such good, good people.

For my job I teach English to people from other countries who are going to be missionaries for my church. I love them. They are my friends. I also love all of my co-workers. I have met some of my favorite people at work.

We are all given contexts in which we live that can restrict our lives and options. These contexts, though, do not remove our opportunity to choose.

God uses people to teach me things - church leaders, friends, professors.  

And God has things He wants to teach us at certain times. Right now He's helping me see the power of choice and what I can do if I really want to. His eternal plan for us is set up so we can discover and achieve what we truly want. Jesus overcame death and sin for us, which we couldn't do for ourselves. Now, everything else is up to us; we are in the process of choosing what we want our immortal lives to be like. Jesus has offered to be our guide to lasting happiness. If we will let Him, He can guide our choices and lead us to joy. And if it is what we want, He will give us the strength to follow Him. 

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