Thursday, March 22, 2012

List Time, or Lately

Life's been wild lately; I've made some decisions that have dramatically changed where I'm going with my life. But, I'm really happy about where I'm headed. So, here're just some thoughts:

- Prayer really is two-way communication. God has encouraged us to talk with Him, not just at Him. It's a whole different experience to really tell God our sincere feelings instead of just saying what we think we should be saying and how we should be saying it. Sometimes we may feel that God couldn't really love us because of who we are or because of what we've done, or we may think that the small things in our lives are insignificant or inappropriate to share with Him. Not so. None of those ideas are true; they are lies designed to keep us from approaching the one person who really does love us unconditionally. No matter what's happened or how imperfect we are, God always wants to hear from us. (Learn more about prayer here)

- Life is exciting and there are loads of cool opportunities we can take advantage of every day. Even if our options are genuinely limited, God can help us to take advantage of the opportunities we are presented.  

- Being true to oneself gives a cool sense of confidence. Placing my worth on others' opinions of me is exhausting and against everything God has told me. My worth comes from knowing that I am God's son and that He loves me. I can learn to love myself and others in that same way. (More info here)

- Change takes time. God's answers take time. Troubles and concerns never end. I think God wants me to learn to be happy in the process, in the moment, each day. There is no "finished" or "ok,-now-I'm-ready-to-go." Every day can be good, no matter how terrible some elements of life may be. I have given those "some" hard elements of my life too much attention. God is helping me look at those as only a part of my life; as He's helping me do this, I am seeing a world of exciting and beautiful people, opportunities, and experiences that have always been mine, but that I have overlooked.

- It has been a process to learn what I've learned, to see what I'm seeing, and to feel what I feel. And I'm not done with my process. But, that's exactly where I need to be. We are where we are, and there are no "oh dear, I've ruined everything" or "this will never work out." These ideas may seem to be real and inescapable, but they're not. They're not real because of Jesus Christ. Through His sacrifice for us, He knows how and is able to help us exactly where we are. The future is not determined by the past. We can place our hope and our trust in Jesus. He will comfort and help us as we learn how to accept Him in our lives.

Click here to learn more about things you can do to accept Jesus more in your life.