Friday, October 7, 2011

Giving Up What I "Want", or What I Learned During A Work Meeting Today

Following Christ is being willing to give up what we currently may want to do, say, think, believe, or be for what He has taught us. This is often very hard. However, we do not need to be discouraged that this giving up of our wills does not happen all at once. It is a process to learn that what we really want is to give all of ourselves to God. It is one reason we came to earth. Instead of feeling overwhelmed with how far we need to go or feeling doubtful that we can ever really have a true change of heart, we can feel peace in knowing that 1) He will help us change day by day as we listen to the Holy Spirit, and 2) what He is offering us is more rich and satisfying than anything we could come up with on our own. He is offering us truth and real joy and relationships. He is offering us everything He has.

1 comment:

  1. Ok. This is Kaley. For some reason it won't let me sign in on your blog. Dumb. Anyway... I didn't know you blog! Yay! I was just about to blog about this meeting today. Powerful stuff.
