Monday, May 23, 2011

God Knows About Happiness

Universally, everyone wants to be happy. We do things because we expect that they will make us feel good and content. Satisfaction is a big deal. Most of us can sense when things are out of balance in our lives. There are lots of things we can try to do to get that balance back or to feel satisfaction. But, not all things lead to genuine or lasting happiness. Almost anything can make us feel good or help us escape our stresses and cares for a time, but what truly can make us happy?

If we were left entirely to ourselves and our own experience, we would want and need to try everything in order to know which things would make us happy. We wouldn't want to leave out anything because we wouldn't know if we had found the most effective way to be happy. Life would be an endless pursuit of trying to find those things that brought maximum happiness. But, we could never be sure that we had discovered the "best" thing for us because it'd be impossible to try every experience our earth and lives had to offer.

But, we are not left to ourselves to find those things that will make us happy. God lives. He knows everything. And He is our kind Father. It is important to learn, believe, and then know that God understands all things, has all power, and wants us to be happy, because it is easier to trust someone who only wants our good and who has the power to keep all of His promises. God wants us to enjoy peace and joy. Because of this, He has given us clear direction regarding those things we can do that will bring us true happiness. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to teach and to show us how to live our lives in a way that is meaningful and satisfying. Even though He lived on earth a long time ago, He continues to teach us how we can be happy in our modern society; He communicates general things, like His commandments and counsel, through His selected servants, the prophets. If we will follow what Jesus taught and continues to teach us, we will be given the knowledge we are looking for and that God already knows: the best way to be happy.

If you're interested in learning more, feel free to visit:

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